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Solar Panel Manufacturing

Can Australia's SunShot program help reduce risk of forced labour?

The Federal Government's SunShot Solar Program has the objective of developing Australia's solar manufacturing industry. While the focus is on helping Australia achieve its economic and environmental goals, the program offers important opportunities to reduce Australia's current dependence on solar supply chains that may be impacted by forced labour. In response to SunShot Solar Program's request for public feedback on its design, we have made three important recommendations that will enable the program to achieve its existing goals, while also addressing a major human rights risk that currently afflicts solar panel supply chains globally.


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Marcus Lindstrom Electric Vehicles

How can Australia's human rights infrastructure better enable the net zero transition?

A Parliamentary Inquiry is currently considering if Australia’s laws are sufficient to protect human rights in Australia. In our view, the short answer is “no”.

While there are many use-cases that could be drawn upon to illustrate this point, in our submission to the Inquiry, we refer to some of the human rights issues embedded in Australia’s transition to a ‘net zero’ economy to illustrate the urgent need for comprehensive, national human rights reform. 

Two Females Planting A Tree

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